duanhong8839 2019-04-10 14:55
浏览 239


when I send the email, if the subject says "Ç", it shows "?".

already tried to implement:



-$mail->$subject = "=?ISO-8859-1?Q?".imap_8bit("äöüßÄÖÜ sollte hier gehen")."?=";

-$mail->$subject = '=?UTF-8?B?'.base64_encode(utf8_encode("çççç")).'?=';

So far I can not solve this, what else can I do? I already searched in the forum has a lot of post to talk about it but none solved my problem.

My exemple code is :

$mail = new PHPMailer();
    $mail->Host = "*.*.*.*:*";
    $mail->SMTPAuth = false;
    $mail->From = "*@*.*";
    $mail->FromName = "newjob";  
    $mail->addAddress($add1, $addnome1);
    if($add2!=""){ $mail->addAddress($add2, $addnome2);};  
    if($add3!=""){ $mail->addAddress($add3, $addnome3);};  
    $mail->ContentType = 'text/calendar; charset=utf-8';
    $mail->$subject = "=?ISO-8859-1?Q?".imap_8bit("äöüßÄÖÜ")."?=";
    // $mail->$subject = '=?UTF-8?B?'.base64_encode(utf8_encode("çççç")).'?=';
    $ical = "BEGIN:VCALENDAR
    $ical .= "VERSION:2.0
    $ical .= "PRODID:-sigma.eda.pt
    $ical .= "METHOD:PUBLISH
    $ical .= "BEGIN:VEVENT
    $ical .= "ORGANIZER;SENT-BY=\"MAILTO:$add1
    $ical .= "UID:".strtoupper(md5($event_id))."-sigma.eda.pt
    $ical .= "SEQUENCE:".$sequence."
    $ical .= "STATUS:".$status."
    $ical .= "DTSTAMPTZID=Europe/azores:".date('Ymd').'T'.date('His')."
    $ical .= "DTSTART:".$start."T".$start_time."
    $ical .= "DTEND:".$end."T".$end_time."
    $ical .= "LOCATION:".$venue."
    $ical .= "SUMMARY:".$summary."
    $ical .= "DESCRIPTION:".$descr."
    $ical .= "RRULE:FREQ=MONTHLY;INTERVAL=".$rotina.";COUNT=".$repete.";
    $ical .= "BEGIN:VALARM
    $ical .= "TRIGGER:-PT15M
    $ical .= "ACTION:DISPLAY
    $ical .= "DESCRIPTION:Reminder
    $ical .= "END:VALARM
    $ical .= "END:VEVENT
    $ical .= "END:VCALENDAR
    $mail->Body = $ical;
      try {
       if ( !$mail->Send() ) {
        //  $error = "Unable to send the email <br />";
        //  throw new phpmailerAppException($error);
       } else {
        //  echo 'Message has been sent<br /><br />';
     } catch (phpmailerAppException $e) {
      //  $errorMsg[] = $e->errorMessage();

EDIT image error from test:


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  • duan0708676887 2019-04-10 17:25

    PHP has case sensitive class properties, which means that when a property has a name CharSet, it has to be defined like this and not in lowercase $mail->charset. This also aplies to $mail->$subject and $mail->addAddress, addAddress case is like this. Here is an example with greek text that's working without any text conversion:


    I've tested this code above and it's working:

    $email = 'some@email.com';
    $message =  'Όνομα: <br/>'.
        'eMail: <br/>'.
        'Τηλέφωνο: <br/>'.
        '(Ç, ç, äöüßÄÖÜ sollte hier gehen, açores)';
    use PHPMailer\PHPMailer\PHPMailer;
    use PHPMailer\PHPMailer\Exception;
    $mail = new PHPMailer(true);
    try {
        $mail->setFrom('test@email.com', 'Mailer');
        $mail->CharSet = PHPMailer::CHARSET_UTF8;
        $mail->Subject = "[ΣΥΜΜΕΤΟΧΗ] Νέα φόρμα δήλωσης συμμετοχής (Ç, ç, äöüßÄÖÜ sollte hier gehen, açores)";
        echo 'Message has been sent';
    } catch(Exception $e) {
        echo "Message could not be sent. Mailer Error: {$mail->ErrorInfo}";

    And here is the screenshot of the received email:

    Result email screenshot

    本回答被题主选为最佳回答 , 对您是否有帮助呢?



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