dongqiang1894 2017-05-31 08:01
浏览 69


In a tpl file, i need to include a file dynamically, with a concatenation of a string and a variable.

This work (no concatenation) :

{include file="catalog/_partials/faq-86.tpl"}

Then, i would like to replace "86" by a variable (the product id).

Here is what i’ve tried (based on other answers on stackoverflow , on smarty forum or smarty documentation):


{include file="catalog/_partials/{$}.tpl"}


{assign var="id_pr" value="85"}
{include file="catalog/_partials/.$id_pr.tpl"}


{assign var="id_pr" value="85"}
{include file="catalog/_partials/$id_pr.tpl"}


{include file="{'catalog/_partials/'}{$}{'.tpl'}"}


{assign var='url' value="{'catalog/_partials/'}{$}{'.tpl'}"} 
{include file=$url}

Here is the smarty error :

Syntax error in template "templates/catalog/product.tpl" on line 273 "{include file="catalog/_partials/{$}.tpl"}" variable template file names not allow within {block} tags

So my, question, is it possible to concatenate a variable and a string in order to include a file ?

I know it is not the best approach but for templating purpose, I need to quickly load different tpl files on different product page.

I think it is possible since this condition is working (no concatenation but the file is included dynamically) :

{if $ === 85}

    {include file="catalog/_partials/faq-85.tpl"}

{elseif $ === 86}

    {include file="catalog/_partials/faq-86.tpl"}

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  • duanchen7703 2017-05-31 08:25

    you can use the cat function like this:

    {assign var='url' value="catalog/_partials/"|cat:$|cat:".tpl"} 
    {include file=$url}

    Looks like you are using Prestashop 1.7 that has smarty version 3.1.19 and as i found in their forums (and tested) you have to edit the file /vendor/prestashop/smarty/Smarty.class.php, look for inheritance_merge_compiled_includes and set to false. Then delete all the cache templates (delete the folder /app/cache/dev and /app/cache/prod) and it should work inside the block element. It worked in my test.

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