I am using the GD library to automatically generate a thumbnail version of an uploaded image. I call the appropriate image____()
function to save in the same format as the original. My code works fine for JPEG and GIF, but if I upload a PNG file, the resulting thumbnail is invalid. It actually only contains 33 bytes (with any source PNG that I've tried so far). This image does not display in the browser, nor can it be opened by Preview (on MacOS).
I use imagecreatetruecolor() along with imagecopyresampled() to generate the thumbnail, like this:
function _resizeImageToFit($resource, $size)
$sourceWidth = imagesx($resource);
$sourceHeight = imagesy($resource);
if($sourceWidth >= $sourceHeight) {
// landscape or square
$newHeight = 1.0*$size/$sourceWidth*$sourceHeight;
$newWidth = $size;
else {
// portrait
$newWidth = 1.0*$size/$sourceHeight*$sourceWidth;
$newHeight = $size;
$thmb = imagecreatetruecolor($newWidth, $newHeight);
imagecopyresampled($thmb, $resource, 0, 0, 0, 0, $newWidth, $newHeight, $sourceWidth, $sourceHeight);
return $thmb;
Below is the version info of my setup (It's MAMP Version 1.9.4)
PHP Version 5.3.2 GD Version bundled (2.0.34 compatible)
Here is an example of an invalid generated thumbnail image (PNG):