I try to read image from database (blob) but i have problem becouse i don't know mime type of image. I have only tinyblob.
Can i read image and save it back to my hard disk?
I try to read image from database (blob) but i have problem becouse i don't know mime type of image. I have only tinyblob.
Can i read image and save it back to my hard disk?
The best solution is to store the mime-type in the DB at the same time you're inserting the image into the blob field. Otherwise you're going to have to the following EACH TIME the image is retrieved:
$image = $row['imageblob']; // $row = result row from DB query.
$finfo = new finfo(FILEINFO_MIME);
$mime_type = $finfo->buffer($image);
This gets to be expensive very quickly on a busy system, so best do the determination ONCE and then store that result.
Relevant PHP docs here.