I have an array
I will be fetch first 20 records initially. Here is the class
class social extends CI_Controller{
function data()
$start = $k;
$resultjson = $this->curl->simple_get("http://www.postano.com/api/posts.php?ak=XXXXX&ts=XXXXX&sig=XXXXX&postano=12345&start=$k&count=20");
$resultant_data = json_decode($resultjson,true);
foreach ($resultant_data as $key => $value)
Here feeds is my view.
How can i fetch next 20 records say start or $k = 2
0 so that I can display the results from 0-20 then 21-40 and so on...
I am trying to implement an autoload or loadmore functionality. I am not using model(database) the only source is json response