dongluanban3536 2013-06-20 20:16
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This is my regular expression:


This is the sample pattern from which I have to do a match:

<td><strong>.zx</strong></td><td><span class="offer"><strong>xscre:<br></strong>$299 xxxxx&x;xx<span class="fineprint_number">2</span></span><br>de&ea;s $399</td><td>zxcddcdcdcdc</td></tr><tr class="dark"><td><strong>.aa.rr</strong></td><td><span class="offer"><strong>xscre:<br></strong>$99 xxxxx&x;xx<span class="fineprint_number">2</span></span><br>de&eae;s $199</td><td>xxxx</td></tr><tr class="bar"><td colspan="3"></td></tr><tr class="bright"><td><strong>.vfd</strong></td><td><span class="offer"><strong>xscre:<br></strong>$99 xxxxx&x;xx<span class="fineprint_number">2</span></span><br>du&ee;s $199</td><td>xxxxxxxx</td></tr><tr class="dark"><td><strong>.qwe</strong></td><td><span class="offer"><strong>xxx<br></strong>$99 xxxc;o<span class="fineprint_number">2</span>

Here is what I am doing in PHP

$source = file_get_contents("");
preg_match_all($pattern_new, $source, $match_newprice, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER);

the$match_newprice is returning an empty array.

When I am using a regex tester like myregextester or I am getting a perfect match no issues at all but when I am using php preg_match_all to do the match it is returning an empty array. I increased the pcre.backtrack_limit but its still the same issue. I don't seem to understand the problem. Any help would be much appreciated.

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  • dougong5817 2013-06-20 22:14

    Another problem which is PHP related with this:

    echo "\$".PHP_EOL;
    echo '\$'.PHP_EOL;



    ... as in double quoted strings the $ is expected to signify the start of a variable, and needs escaping if you mean a bare $. Put single quotes around your regex & it will probably be fine (haven't looked at in detail though, you may want to use the /x option & add some formatting whitespace/comments if you need to debug this a half year from now).

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