I'm trying to print out an array of dates pulled from an API, which come out formatted as YYYYmmdd, i.e. 20160701. When I convert them to a friendlier format and then go to print them in Highcharts, it actually will do a mathematical calculation based on the operator being used to separate the date elements. Obviously that's not what I want it to do. So the first date is actually performing 7 minus 1 minus 2016, resulting in the -2010. Does anyone know what is causing this?
PHP Snippet
foreach ($arr['rows'] as $item){
$dates[] = DateTime::createFromFormat('Ymd', $item[0])->format('m-d- Y');
Javascript Highchart Plugin
xAxis: {
categories: [
echo implode(',', $dates);
What the dates end up looking like: