寻找spatio-temporal exploratory models r语言的代码,这是一个单独的模型,不是空间克里金插值。这是这个模型的介绍:In this paper, we introduce a novel methodology for adding essential spatiotemporal structure to existing static species distribution models without requiring detailed specification of the underlying dynamic processes. This is achieved by creating an ensemble, or mixture model, from a population of static species distribution models each applied to a spatiotemporally restricted extent. By restricting each model to a local region, we can account for local-scale spatial and temporal patterns and control the risk of extrapolation to distant regions. Partitioning the study area into many local regions gives the ensemble extra flexibility to adapt to coarse-scale heterogeneity. Predictions are made by averaging across local models with shared extents, allowing for local-scale patterns to “scale up” to patterns at the global scale (sensu Levin 1992). We call this method the spatiotemporal exploratory model (STEM).
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