donglefu6195 2016-03-17 02:10
浏览 48

如何使用Capifony部署symfony 3应用程序? [关闭]

My problem is that I can't use capifony correctly with my project on the Symfony 3. After installing composer dependencies I get an error with running app/console commands and rollback of deploy.

I know that in symfony 3 app/console moved to bin/console. But how I can change in Capifony?


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  • duanbixia7738 2016-03-17 02:19

    Capifony is no longer maintained, so it doesn't evolves depending on Symfony releases.

    Capifony is based on Capistrano v2.x and will stick to this version (i.e. Capifony is feature-frozen, and will only accept bug fixes).

    At the time of writing, Capistrano v3 is the current major version, and Capifony is not compatible with it.

    Don't worry, there is a plugin for that! Using Capistrano v3 + capistrano/symfony (heavily inspired by Capifony) may be the way to go for new projects! You can read more on capifony and its future.

    From here.

    Plus, from the first lines of the capifony website:

    capifony is a deployment recipes collection that works with both symfony and Symfony2 applications.

    So, don't work with symfony3 and will not go in this way.

    I know it's a bit hard to migrate, but you should really change your deployment workflow to Capistrano with its symfony tasks.

    Then you'll be able to configure the console path:

    set :symfony_console_path, "bin/console"

    I suspect that you can use it in Capifony, you should try it before upgrading.

    Note You'll have other problems related to the Symfony3 architecture, such as the cache and logs directory. See all available configurations.

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