I am currently working on a game in PHP and jQuery and at some point I will need to use the .load() from jQuery to load a PHP page into a div. That page will load some player information based on their login information, account id, etcetera, stored into an array inside $_SESSION["arrayname"]
It works perfectly on all sites, except those where jQuery load() is use. On easyphp, I got no errors, but on my web host server im getting this:
Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: Cannot send session cache limiter - headers already sent (output started at /fr/game/map.php:1) in fr/game/map.php on line 6
Here is my code:
//used to check if we see the array in session, and i dont when i load it with jquery
$ic = new infoCompte;
$ic = $_SESSION["comptejeu"];
I understand that at this point a lot of stuff is already output to the page before that is loaded. Could anyone point me to a better way to retrieve the information that I need from that array to build my object from my class?
Thank you.