西林er 2023-10-13 10:44 采纳率: 0%
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EtherNet IP的spec资料


[1] CIP Networks Library, Volume 1, Common Industrial Protocol, Edition 3.0, April 2006, © 2001
      through 2006 by Open DeviceNet Vendor Association.

[2] CIP Networks Library, Volume 2, EtherNet/IP Adaptation of CIP, Edition 1.2, April 2006, © 1999
      through 2006 by Open DeviceNet Vendor association.

[3] CIP Networks Library, Volume 3, DeviceNet Adaptation of CIP, Edition 1.2, April 2006, © 1994
      through 2006 by Open DeviceNet Vendor Association.

[4] CIP Networks Library, Volume 4, ControlNet Adaptation of CIP, Edition 1.0, April 2005, © 1997
      through 2006 by ControlNet International.

[5] CIP Networks Library, Volume 5, CIP Safety, Edition 1.0, January 2005, © 2005 through 2006 by
     Open DeviceNet Vendor Association.

[6] CIP Networks Library, Volume 6, CompoNet Adaptation of CIP, Edition 1.0, February 2007, ©
     2007 by Open DeviceNet Vendor Association.
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  • 西林er 2023-10-13 10:45





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