I am trying to create an offers forum, where some user can create their offers in order to provide their services and I want to show the name of the person that created that offer instead of the id.
In my database I have the two tables:
In offers I have a column of the professor_id, that is related to the id of users table.
This is what i have in my controller to show the offers:
- public function ofertes(){
- $ofertes = Oferta::all()->sortByDesc('id');
- return view('create.ofertes')->with(compact('ofertes'));
- }
and in the blade.php I have that code:
- @foreach($ofertes as $oferta)
- <tr>
- <td>Nom : {{$oferta->professor_id}}</td> <br>
- <td>Títol : {{$oferta->titol}}</td> <br>
- <td>Descripció: {{$oferta->descripcio}}</td> <br>
- <td>Data: {{$oferta->created_at}}</td> <br><br>
- </tr>
- @endforeach
Where it says nom, how I can show the name instead of the id?
Thank you!