I would like to run my custom php script only if script has not contain any function which can access to other scripts.
This is my solution:
function validateScript($data)
$match = null;
if(preg_match('/error_reporting|require|include|file_get_contents|glob|file|fgets|fread|dearfile|ini_set|system|proc_open|iframe|frame|show_source|readfile|passthru|pdo|mysql|phpinfo|session|server|var_dump|var_export|echo|exec|eval|popen|telnet|\$\$|\${\$/i', $data, $match)) {
return false;
return true;
$script = 'customscript.php';
$data = file_get_contents($script)
if(validateScript($data)) {
include $script;
I am not sure if this is good solution or if exists more secured way how to do it?