I have a php file on server which have a function, and I have Node Js
API also. I want to pass Node Js value to php script then get back the
function output to node js.
I tried this using cookie-parser as sugggested by Christian in here. But it does not work
Short answer
Sharing COOKIES won't work because of CORS, your nodejs server must be in the allow origin list of the PHP server.
Long answer
COOKIES are very used when storing user settings/tokens/password or some sensitive data on your browser that allows the user browsing experience behave different mostly the user decisions.
Therefore they cannot be sent in requests when different servers communicates between them unless they are allowed to leave to an 'authorized-origin' otherwise that would be a major leak of data through cookies, say hello to CORS (unless you don't own the target server).
You have a script on a TargetServer(TS), that sets a cookie there when user does some stuff. After the user finishes with your script you want to send data back to YourServer(YS), when the AJAX triggers, cookies won't be sent with the request as you normally see when you develop on localhost
Following your stack of tools, another problem issues, each request that you'll make to YS will generate a new id/session (i'm looking at you PHPSESSID), and that means, you won't know for example if the user is logged or not, and you know for sure that he already logged earlier (Yes - he is logged, but in another session file ... ).
- Find an appropriate mechanism for encrypt/decrypt strings that your script and php will know.
- When you're sending a request from TS to YS add a custom
header that YS will expect.eg.
REQUEST-CUSTOM-HEADER: encodedVersionOf('hey-give-me-the-session-id')
, PHP will see the incoming header, will decodeVersionOf('hey-give-me-the-session-id') and will trigger some special if
and send you a response with a different header RESPONSE-CUSTOM-HEADER: encodedVersionOf('here-is-the-session-id')
. Your script will now save it in COOKIES so you won't have to request it again. and just append it to your header on future requests.
- If PHP recognizes the incoming string as a valid session then php can load that session that you know you had data in it with
, make sure to set session_id
before session_start
- I highly advise using JWT for this kind of things or some encrypted stringify json, so you can have an object like {session_id : 12idn3oind, userInfo: {name: 'test'}}.
- Exchanging data through headers is the next best thing when CORS is involved.
I tackled this example once, wasn't pretty to do, but worth it in the end.
You can send/receive data to/from php, only thing is that you should use headers so you won't affect php output.
Since you own both servers you can do something like:
npm install -S express
- Make sure you have enabled
on your webserver.
- We will use custom headers so you should allow & expose them:
Header add Access-Control-Allow-Headers "node-request, node-response"
Header add Access-Control-Allow-Methods "PUT, GET, POST, DELETE, OPTIONS"
Header add Access-Control-Expose-Headers "node-request, node-response"
Header add Access-Control-Allow-Origin "*"
$max = @$_COOKIE["usrMob"]; // Taken from cookie
$min = 1111;
$number = rand($min, $max); // Find random number
echo $number; // Send back to Node Js
if( isset($_SERVER['HTTP_NODE_REQUEST'])){
$req = json_decode($_SERVER['HTTP_NODE_REQUEST'], true);
$data = array();
// 'givemeanumber' is sent from Node.js server
if( isset($req['givemeanumber']) ){
$data = array(
'number' => $number
header('NODE-RESPONSE: '. json_encode(array("req" => $req, "res"=> $data)));
Don't forget to change these line to point to your php-server:
getFromPHP('localhost', '9999', '/path-to-php-script', {givemeanumber: 1})
const express = require("express");
const app = express();
const port = 9999;
const { getFromPHP } = require('./middleware.js');
const apachePHPconfig = {
host: 'localhost',
port: 80,
urlpath: 'path-to-php-script'
getFromPHP(apachePHPconfig.host, apachePHPconfig.port, apachePHPconfig.urlpath , {givemeanumber: 1}),
function (req, res) {
// here is your php object
console.log('php', req.php);
app.listen(port, () => {
console.log(`Example app listening on port ${port}!`)
* Middleware to get data from PHP
const getFromPHP = (phpHost, phpPort, phpPath, phpObject) => {
if (typeof phpHost === 'undefined') {
throw new Error('phpHost was not defined');
if (typeof phpPort === 'undefined') {
throw new Error('phpPort was not defined');
if (typeof phpPath === 'undefined') {
phpPath = '/';
if (typeof phpObject !== 'object' ) {
phpObject = {};
return (req, res, next) => {
if (typeof req.php === 'undefined') {
req.php = {};
const options = {
hostname: phpHost, // change this to your php server host
port: phpPort, // change this with your php server port
path: phpPath, // change this with your php server path to script
method: 'POST',
headers: {
// here we send 'NODE-REQUEST', it will be available in php unde $_SERVER global prefixed with HTTP_ string because is a custom client request header.
'NODE-REQUEST': JSON.stringify(phpObject)
const isJSON = (str ) => {
try {
let j = JSON.parse(str);
return typeof j === 'object' && j !== null;
} catch (e) {
return false;
const httpModule = require('http');
let reqHttp = httpModule.request(options, (response) => {
if( typeof response.headers['node-response'] === 'undefined' || !isJSON(response.headers['node-response'])){
req.php = {};
req.php = JSON.parse(response.headers['node-response']);
// START - Remove this code when everything runs as expected
let dataStack = [];
response.on('data', (data)=>{
response.on('end', ()=>{
console.log("PHP HEADERS", response.headers)
console.log('PHP OUTPUT', dataStack.join(''));
// END
reqHttp.on('error', (e) => {
console.error(`problem with request to php server: ${e.message}`);
reqHttp.on('end', () => {
exports.getFromPHP = getFromPHP;