Good day, I am trying to convert an array "$list" into string or object. I have used following methods:
include "medclass.php";
if (isset($_SESSION['mail']))
$list = $_SESSION['basket'];
header("location: clientsigninpage.php?msg= Log-in First");
$obj = new med_class;
$val = implode(";",$list); //implode method
$val = (object) $list; //object method
$val = serialize($list); //serialize method
$result = $obj->searchMed($val);
while ($row = $result->fetchObject())
echo $row->MedPrice;
With "(object)" its giving me following error: "Object of class stdClass could not be converted to string", with "implode": "Array to string conversion" and with "serialize()" it does not print anything.
The function that I am passing value is:
function searchMed($v1)
$sql = "select * from storepreview where MedName = '$v1'";
$ret = $this->con->query($sql);
return $ret;
I have used these methods by seen following links: ( ; (Convert an array to a string); (How to convert an array to object in PHP?)