douzhanbai9526 2018-02-07 13:32
浏览 492


I am trying to loop through and Array of unique zones in a property data base and then create an array for the size, value and building sizes for each of those zones.

My problem is that I can create the array, but since each foreach that is loop through has the array with the same name, so the arrays totaling not just the amount with in that zone, but the amount of previously looped through zones.

For example: Zone A should total 100 Zone B should total 200

But the Code is returning: Zone A totals 100 Zone B totals 300 (100+200)

The issue likely falls on how the arrays, $Value, $ResSQFT and $ComSQFT, end up having the same name in each foreach loop, but I know how to rename them on the fly.

$Zones = "SELECT DISTINCT(ZONING_COD) FROM `ClevelandParcels`" ;

$ZonesStatus = mysqli_query($Connection, $Zones) ;
  die('Could not get data: ' . mysqli_error());
while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($ZonesStatus))

$UniqueZones[] = array($row['ZONING_COD']);


echo "Zone,ParcelCount,ParcelValue,BuilingSqft,ResLivableArea,ComLeaseableArea<br>";

foreach ( $UniqueZones as $varZ ) {
  $ZoneParcelCount = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `ClevelandParcels` WHERE ZONING_COD =     '".$varZ[0]."'" ;
  $ZoneParcelCountStatus = mysqli_query($Connection, $ZoneParcelCount) ;
  $total = mysqli_fetch_row($ZoneParcelCountStatus);

  echo $varZ[0].",".$total[0];

  $ZoneParcels = "SELECT * FROM `ClevelandParcels` WHERE ZONING_COD =     '".$varZ[0]."'" ;
  $ZoneParcelsStatus = mysqli_query($Connection, $ZoneParcels) ;
  die('Could not get data: ' . mysqli_error());

while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($ZoneParcelsStatus)){
  $Value[] = $row['GROSS_CE_2'];
  $ResSqft[] = $row['TOTAL_RES_'];
  $ComSqft[] = $row['TOTAL_COM_'];
    echo ",        $".array_sum($Value).",".array_sum($ResSqft).",".array_sum($ComSqft)."<br>";

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  • duanli3277 2018-02-07 13:36

    You have to reset your arrays before to add data in them and to compute the sum :

    while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($ZoneParcelsStatus)){
        $Value[] = $row['GROSS_CE_2'];
        $ResSqft[] = $row['TOTAL_RES_'];
        $ComSqft[] = $row['TOTAL_COM_'];

    In your code, you appends each time the values in each arrays, so your values are cumulated.

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