Is there a way to check the number of likes and comments that a particular post has? I wanna display that number on my site so i need to reference the API somehow to get that result. I am looking for either a PHP or a javascript solution. This will also be done dynamically. I want to keep track of likes posted by my app to different users so I'm thinking i should store the post id when I make the post. Any ideas?
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Facebook API - 检查帖子的喜欢和评论
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dpoxk64080 2012-08-01 11:41关注Each post in facebook has a specific Id
You can use graph api to grab this id and see all the comments, likes and shares of it.
You simply have to make a POST call and grab the produced JSON
More information can be found on the links below
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- 2016-02-19 09:27回答 1 已采纳 Yes, of course it is slow if you fire a number of API requests inside a loop. (The most slowing pa
- 2014-10-30 03:36回答 1 已采纳 Turns out Facebook depreciated the Username reference for the API, so there's no specific way to d
- 2013-12-15 05:15回答 1 已采纳 There are something problems with protocol IPv6 which Facebook use. The solve is set curl to use o
- 2019-09-21 15:32anchanxiu7972的博客 公司的业务和海外贸易紧密连接,项目中需要对接Facebook、Google、Twitter相关API,下面详细描述一下我们对接Facebook中遇到的问题 1,注册Facebook账户,Facebook账户注册还是比较麻烦的,有IP限制,一个IP不能...
- 2018-05-19 00:00回答 1 已采纳 Step 1: app into development mode Step 2: turn off the "Require secret key" in Advanced settings
- 2015-11-06 04:54回答 1 已采纳 Since v2.4, you have to specify the fields you want to get returned: /{page_id}/notifications?fie
- 2013-12-27 03:21回答 1 已采纳 You can just follow with this page
- 2018-07-03 08:44Box_Square的博客 player包含与当前玩家相关的功能和属性。getID( )玩家的唯一标识。Facebook 用户的玩家编号将保持不变,且仅限于特定游戏范围。这意味着同一个用户在不同的游戏中有不同的玩家编号。仅当 FBInstant.initializeAsync...
- 2013-09-19 18:04回答 1 已采纳 Do you request user to key in there in-apps username or password? If yes, maybe you database can l
- 2018-11-19 03:27回答 1 已采纳 You should implement pagination (or request a limit more high). With the PHP SDK you can implement
- 2018-02-02 03:12回答 1 已采纳 As per CBroe's comment, this is not possible and needs additional code.
- 2018-07-03 08:43Box_Square的博客 player包含与当前玩家相关的功能和属性。getID( )玩家的唯一标识。Facebook 用户的玩家编号将保持不变,且仅限于特定游戏范围。这意味着同一个用户在不同的游戏中有不同的玩家编号。仅当 FBInstant.initializeAsync...
- 2024-05-01 17:27AI天才研究院的博客 API(应用程序编程接口)作为连接不同软件系统和服务的桥梁,在解决这一问题中扮演着至关重要的角色。背景介绍核心概念与联系核心算法原理与操作步骤数学模型和公式项目实战实际应用场景工具和资源推荐总结:未来...
- 2018-08-06 23:15weixin_34246551的博客 1.广告 API两款全新的 API 可方便投放插屏广告和奖励式视频广告。要求 配置游戏以便在小游戏中投放广告。 2.Player StatsAPI,用于设置、获取并自动增加与玩家相关的 整数统计数据。辅以捆绑包配置的新增内容, 可为...
- 2018-09-19 13:19神是念着倒的博客 例如,Microblog中的API可向客户端提供用户和博客帖子信息,并还可允许用户编辑现有博客帖子,但 仅限于 数据级别,而 不 将此逻辑与HTML混合。 如果研究当前在应用程序中定义的所有路径,会注意到有一些路径符合...
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