qq_49181551 2024-03-28 16:26 采纳率: 20%
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sdn环境搭建opendaylight 安装问题

feature:list | grep openflowplugin里面没有odl-openflowplugin-flow-services-ui对opendaylight可视化界面有影响吗?

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  • 专家-皆知 2024-03-28 16:26


    创建SDN环境并安装OpenDaylight (ODL) OpenFlow plugin flow-services-ui:

    1. 准备硬件设备: 基于Linux系统,您可能需要以下设备连接到虚拟机或服务器以支持OpenDaylight:

      • SDN Controller: Host machine or Virtual Machine with the necessary network interface card (NIC)
      • Switches: Host machine or Virtual Machine with a network switch or router capable of running ODL and flow services.
    2. 下载OpenDaylight and install the OpenFlow plugin: Follow the instructions for installing OpenDaylight on your Linux host, either from the official documentation (https://docs.opendaylight.org/en/latest/) or the ODLSite (https://www.opendaylight.org/en/download/).

    3. Configure your SDN controller: To connect the controller to the network, follow these steps:

      • Configuring the controller's IP address and subnet: Open /etc/network/interfaces in your Linux terminal.
      • Add the following lines to configure the controller's network interface(s):
        auto eth0
        iface eth0 inet static
        Replace eth0 with the name of your network interface(s) (e.g., eth0 for Ethernet) and and with your respective network addresses and gateways.
    4. Configuring the ODL plugin: Edit /etc/OpenDayLight/dhcp.conf (if it exists), and add the following configuration block:

      server {
          mode                  = client-server
          max_rate              = 100M
          limit_rate             = 1G
          log_file               /var/log/dhcp-dns-server.log
          broadcast_address      =
          advertising_ip        =
          database_files         = /var/lib/openflow/plugins/opendaylight-odl-flow-plugin/
          dns_database           = /etc/mysql/conf.d/myodl-network-resolver.d/named.conf

      Replace /var/lib/openflow/plugins/opendaylight-odl-flow-plugin/ with the path to the OpenDayLight flow service installation directory.

    5. Enable the OpenFlow plugin on all switches: Restart the involved switches by running the following command on each switch:

      sudo systemctl restart switch-{name}
    6. Configure flow services for the controller: Navigate to /etc/openflow/plugin.xml (if it exists) and update the flow-services section with the following configuration content:

          <!-- Add OpenFlow flows here -->
    7. Configure visualizing interface (VIFs): If you want to visualize the network topology using the OpenDayLight visualization interface (ODLV) in your Linux system, ensure that the ODL flow plugin is enabled on both the controller and switches, as described in step 5.

    8. Install the Flow Services UI package: Install the OpenDayLight flow services UI using the following command on your Linux host:

      sudo apt-get install flow-services-ui
    9. Connect the VIFs to the OpenDayLight Controller: Make sure the OpenDayLight control plane can access the VIFs on the switches connected to the controller:

      • Configure an appropriate interface on each switch, such as enp0s1, enp0s2, etc., using ifconfig or ip addr show.
      • On the controller, create a VIF (ovf) file containing the associated OpenFlow protocol configuration (e.g., OFPT instance ID, port mappings, and VLAN tags). For example, odl-flow-service.vif.yaml:
        version: '1'
        description: OpenDayLight OpenFlow flow services GUI
        vendor: 'openflow-client' # Example vendor for OpenFlow plugin
        type: graphical
          - 'flow-ui'
          - This VIF provides a graphical user interface for configuring and monitoring OpenFlow flows between switches.
          protocol: otg
          plug_name: odl-flow-service
          - port_id: '1'
            port_type: input
            direction: out
            name: Inbound Interface
            value_template: {'local': {'port_name': 'in'}
              local_port: 'in'
              remote_port: 'out'
              - ip_address: ''
              - ip_address: ''
          - port_id: '2'
            port_type: output
            direction: in
            name: Outbound Interface
            value_template: {'local': {'port_name': 'out'}
              local_port: 'out'
              remote_port: 'in'
              - ip_address: ''
          - port_id: '3'
            port_type: flow_table
            direction: in
            name: Ingress Table
            value_template: {'table_name': 'default-table', 'flows': []}
              binding_key: 'flows'
                - type: forwarding
                    - id: default-flow
                      description: A default flow template for the controller's IN-bound tables.
                      flow_table_id: 'default-table'
                      table_path: '/vswitches/{switch_id}/tables/default-table.yaml'
                        - match_table: 'ingress'
              - name: Edge Router
                  start: 1024
                  end: 4096
                - action: appserver_flow
                    name: default-router
                    public_port: 5000
              - name: Bridge (Ingress Only)
                  start: 1024
                  end: 4096
                - action: appserver_flow
                    name: bridge
                    public_port: 5000
      After creating the VIF files, edit `/etc/openflow/cli-config` (if it exists) and add the following configuration snippet to configure the corresponding OpenFlow clients:
      ovftool binary: 'ovftool'
      ovftool conf_dir: '/opt/openflow/plugins'
      ovftool server_conf: '/etc/openflow/plugins/opendaylight-odl-flow-plugin/flowservices.yaml'
      ovftool flow_service_conf: '/etc/openflow/plugins/opendaylight-odl-flow-plugin/flowservices-vif.yaml'
      ovftool user: 'controller'
      ovftool password: 'your_password'
    10. Test the VIF integration: Start the OpenDayLight controller and switches using the ovftool command. Verify if the OpenFlow flows are visible in the ODL visualization interface:

    • Check the OpenFlow controller's logging output, which should include information about incoming/outgoing flows, such as their state, destinations, and source ports.
    • Access the OpenDayLight controller's HTTP API or CLI to verify the OpenFlow tables that were created during the process (e.g., ingress, edge router, and bridge).
    • Test the OpenFlow tables by querying the specified flows and checking their status (e.g., active/inactive, flowing, etc.).

    If the OpenFlow diagram is not displayed correctly after installation, there might be issues with the OpenDayLight configuration, such as incorrect packet mapping in the OpenFlow tables, lack of link types in the flow services, or misconfigured policies.

    Here's a summary of the potential solutions:

    1. Check the OpenFlow controller's network configuration: Ensure that the OpenDayLight controller has connectivity to its assigned interfaces (eth0) and correct the network mask and gateway settings in /etc/network/interfaces.

    2. Validate the OpenFlow plugin configuration: Confirm that the ODL flow plugin is installed and configured properly on the OpenDayLight controller, switches, and VIFs. Ensure that the control plane (controller and switches) have proper traffic routing configured to send OpenFlow packets through the ODL vSwitch and on the VIFs.

    3. Check and adjust OpenFlow table bindings: Verify that the OpenFlow tables being used in the OpenFlow tables definition (flow-services.yaml) are bound correctly to the correct OVS switch(es) and ports. Make sure the flow tables use the correct context fields for handling local and remote port names.

    4. Update or modify OpenFlow policy configurations: If the OpenFlow plugins don't work as expected due to misconfigured policies, review the generated OpenFlow policy configuration files (flowservices.yaml, flowservices-vif.yaml) and verify the policy matchers and flow templates provided in the OpenFlow CLI or ovftool commands.

    5. Fix missing/virgin/missing-link-type configurations: If the OpenFlow tables are missing certain link types or use the wrong link types, ensure that they are defined in the flow services.yaml file with the correct values

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