weixin_44270619 2024-03-31 21:13 采纳率: 0%
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本地库怎么使用Version Catalogs依赖管理

Andorid Gradle相关的
在我了解Version Catalogs依赖管理时,发现本地的moudle无法使用Version Catalogs,缺少group、name、version字段信息。根据我查找资料了解,按照developer.android.google.cn上面是可以对本地库进行依赖管理。并且它上面有group、name、version字段信息,但是由于他只有部分代码,无法看到它的库具体是什么样的。





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  • 专家-赤兔[在线] 全栈领域优质创作者 2024-03-31 21:13


    在Android Studio中使用Version Catalogs(VC)依赖管理,首先你需要创建一个新的versionControlSystem项目,并在其中添加一个Repository对象来管理版本库的目录结构和内容。以下是一个基本步骤的示例:

    1. 创建Repository:

      • 打开Android Studio and create a new src/main/your_activity_name/build.gradle file, where your_activity_name is the name of your activity.
      dependencies {
          implementation 'com.github.reproducible-android:version-catalogs:2.0.0'
          // Add other dependencies as needed, such as RecyclerView or Firebase

      Replace your_activity_name with the actual name of your activity.

    2. Create Repository File:

      • In your repository's build.gradle file (usually located in res/repo, under module directory), add the following code:
      repositories {
      versionControlSystems {
          default 'https://dl.bintray.com/android/maven/maven-repository'
    3. Initialize Version Control System:

      • After adding the Repository object to your build.gradle file, initialize the version control system by calling its init() method:
    4. Add Repositories:

      • Add the VC repositories you want to use, such as Google Maven Central (Maven repository) or Bintray JCenter (Java package repository):
      versionControlSystem.addMavenRepos(MavenCentral(), false)
      versionControlSystem.addJcenterRepos(JCenter(), false)
    5. Manage Dependency Updates:

      • Use the commit() and tag() methods to push updates to the VC for future release cycles:
      commit('Update Library with new version', 'Updated library')
      commit('Add new dependency', 'Added dependency')
      commit('Tag version 2.0', 'Tagged version 2.0')
    6. Generate Manifest Version Files:

      • The AndroidManifest.xml file specifies which version of the library you want to target for each release. You can generate these files using the generateVersionFiles() method from the version control system:
      versionControlSystem.generateVersionFiles(MavenCentral(), true)
    7. Run Publish commands:

      • Run the mvn versions:display-value command to display the current version number and the list of all available VC versions for the library. You can also use mvn versions:package to create a zip file containing the library's sources and libraries with the specified version.
      mvn versions:display-value
      mvn versions:package
    8. Manually Import Libraries into Your Project:

      • If you have not added any VC-specific libraries to your project, you can manually import them into your Android app. For example, if your VC has a library_name.jar file in the lib folder, you can add it to your app's dependencies like this:
    9. Test and Debug Your App:

      • Once your app has properly generated the appropriate version control manifests and published to the VC, you can test and debug it by building and deploying an APK using Gradle. Here's how:
      gradle build

      This will create an optimized APK that includes the updated library and its corresponding VC version. Then, you can run your app on a device or emulator to verify that it works correctly with the specified version.

    That's it! With these steps, you should be able to manage dependencies and version control systems using Version Catalogs in Android Studio. Keep in mind that the exact steps may vary depending on your specific project structure and dependencies, so consult the official documentation of your version control system for detailed instructions. If you encounter issues or need further assistance, don't hesitate to reach out to the developers or community forums for support.

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