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douxing8939 2017-08-01 18:53关注Um there is something not quite right in your code base earlier on if it's inserting empty arrays.
You need to find the code that is inserting into this table and check if there is an empty array being created and if there is, pass through an empty string or nothing if it's not a required field.
However if you want to select them using Eloquent you would do:
$items = Item::where('sku_purchase_price', '\[\]')->get();
But yes, don't do this, find the actual problem in your code first rather than trying to select empty arrays from the db...
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- 2017-04-26 07:39回答 1 已采纳 The model doesn't know about the columns until it queries the database and gets the returned attri
- 2019-04-11 02:58回答 3 已采纳 I hope this would help you $data = [ ['title' => '1st title', 'desc' => 'desc'], [
- 2019-05-16 02:02回答 1 已采纳 You can use double quotes for the same, $pack_title = $pack->description; // chan
- 2023-08-28 15:50在Web开发中,PHP经常与MySQL数据库配合使用,实现数据的存储和检索。通过PHP的MySQLi或PDO_MySQL扩展,可以执行SQL查询,创建、读取、更新和删除数据库记录。例如,`mysqli_connect()` 用于建立数据库连接,`mysqli...
- 2018-02-26 17:54回答 1 已采纳 I think this is a not so clean but I believe a more efficient solution than depending on Collectio
- 2014-06-09 15:14回答 3 已采纳 You can use the keyBy method: $roles = Role::all()->keyBy('name'); If you're not using Elo
- 2017-09-25 06:49回答 1 已采纳 You could use the transform method on the collection instance to achieve something like that here
- 2022-11-21 19:31源码中可能会用到PHP的基本语法,如变量、数据类型、控制结构(if-else、switch)、循环(for、while)、函数、数组以及字符串处理等。 2. **MVC模式**:多数现代PHP框架采用Model-View-Controller(MVC)架构模式...
- 2018-05-13 01:30回答 1 已采纳 There is a query() function on the Eloquent base model which creates a new query builder instance
- 2017-04-27 10:28回答 2 已采纳 You should use lists (Laravel 5.1) or pluck (Laravel 5.2+): $array = Post::lists('my_value', 'my_
- 2015-03-29 18:55回答 1 已采纳 The solution is injecting concrete model in constructor, setting it as property and using this pro
- 2021-03-31 21:49例如,`SELECT`语句用于检索数据,`INSERT`用于插入新记录,`UPDATE`用于修改现有记录,而`DELETE`用于删除记录。`mysqli_query()`和PDO的`query()`方法用于执行这些SQL语句。 4. 结果处理:执行查询后,需要获取和...
- 2020-12-18 18:46在PHP编程中,数据库操作是常见的任务之一,用于存储和检索数据。为了简化这些操作,开发者经常创建一个Model类,封装数据库的CRUD(Create、Read、Update、Delete)功能。这里我们讨论的是一个简单的PHP数据库操作...
- 2019-08-28 02:28Eloquent ORM中的`cast`功能允许我们将数据库字段的数据类型在存储和检索时进行自动转换,以适应PHP变量的类型。而“Laravel开发-eloquent-castable”似乎关注的是如何更进一步地扩展这个功能,实现更加灵活和定制化...
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- 2021-10-05 13:378. **时间序列数据处理**:对于涉及时间序列的数据分析,如日志记录、活动跟踪等,Eloquent Date特性可以帮助你有效地管理和检索基于时间的数据。 9. **软删除中的日期处理**:在启用软删除的模型中,`deleted_at`...
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- 2019-08-27 23:21JSON ID(或 JSON 标识)是 Laravel 中一种用于处理 JSON 格式数据的机制,它使得我们可以方便地存储和检索 JSON 格式的字段,而无需编写复杂的查询逻辑。 ### JSON 数据存储 在 Laravel 中,Eloquent ORM 支持 ...
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