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关注 引自免费微信小程序:皆我百晓生
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #define MAX_NODES 100 #define INF 99999 // 边的结构体 typedef struct Edge { int src, dest; int weight; } Edge; // 优先队列(使用最小堆) typedef struct MinHeap { int capacity; int size; Edge* heap[MAX_NODES]; } MinHeap; // 并查集 typedef struct UnionFind { int parent[MAX_NODES]; } UnionFind; void init_uf(UnionFind* uf) { for (int i = 0; i < MAX_NODES; ++i) { uf->parent[i] = i; } } int find(UnionFind* uf, int node) { if (uf->parent[node] != node) { uf->parent[node] = find(uf, uf->parent[node]); } return uf->parent[node]; } void union_set(UnionFind* uf, int x, int y) { int rootX = find(uf, x); int rootY = find(uf, y); if (rootX != rootY) { uf->parent[rootX] = rootY; } } void insert_heap(MinHeap* heap, Edge edge) { heap->heap[heap->size++] = edge; int curr = heap->size - 1; while (curr > 0 && heap->heap[curr].weight < heap->heap[(curr - 1) / 2].weight) { Edge temp = heap->heap[curr]; heap->heap[curr] = heap->heap[(curr - 1) / 2]; heap->heap[(curr - 1) / 2] = temp; curr = (curr - 1) / 2; } } Edge extract_min(MinHeap* heap) { Edge min_edge = heap->heap[0]; heap->heap[0] = heap->heap[--heap->size]; int curr = 0; while (curr * 2 + 1 < heap->size) { int child = curr * 2 + 1; if ((child + 1 < heap->size) && heap->heap[child + 1].weight < heap->heap[child].weight) { child++; } if (heap->heap[child].weight <= heap->heap[curr].weight) { break; } else { Edge temp = heap->heap[curr]; heap->heap[curr] = heap->heap[child]; heap->heap[child] = temp; curr = child; } } return min_edge; } void kruskal(int n, Edge edges[], int m) { int total_cost = 0; UnionFind uf; init_uf(&uf); MinHeap min_heap; min_heap.capacity = m; min_heap.size = 0; for (int i = 0; i < m; ++i) { insert_heap(&min_heap, edges[i]); } while (min_heap.size > 0 && uf.size < n - 1) { Edge edge = extract_min(&min_heap); int rootX = find(&uf, edge.src); int rootY = find(&uf, edge.dest); if (rootX != rootY) { total_cost += edge.weight; union_set(&uf, rootX, rootY); } } printf("Minimum cost to build the高铁 network: %d million yuan\n", total_cost * 3000); } int main() { int n, m; scanf("%d %d", &n, &m); Edge edges[m]; // Read the edges and their weights from input for (int i = 0; i < m; ++i) { scanf("%d %d", &edges[i].src, &edges[i].dest); edges[i].weight = abs(edges[i].src - edges[i].dest); // Assuming weights are already given in km } kruskal(n, edges, m); return 0; }
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