dongque4778 2018-08-01 22:02
浏览 67

Pusher / Chatkit:路径和访问令牌中的InstanceID不匹配


I am currently building a react native app with chatkit, however the authentication seems to fail and keeps bringing back the following message: Instance ID in the path and the access token don't match

I'm using Laravel as a backend and have the following route: Route::post('/chatkit-auth-user', 'API\MessagesController@authenticateChatkitUser');

Within this method I authenticate the user depending on their user ID like so:

public function authenticateChatkitUser(Request $request)
    $userId = $request->input('user_id');
    $authData = $this->chatkit->authenticate([
        'user_id' => "{$userId}",

    return response()

The token is generate which is then obviously passed into the TokenProvider instance like so:

const url = '';
const userToken = this.state.user.authToken;
const tokenProvider = new Chatkit.TokenProvider({
  headers: {
    Authorization: 'Bearer ' + userToken,
    'Content-Type': 'application/json',
const chatManager = new Chatkit.ChatManager({
  instanceLocator: '<MY_INSTANCE_LOCATOR_ID>',
  userId: `${this.state.user.userId}`,
  tokenProvider: tokenProvider

chatManager.connect().then(currentUser => {
  this.state.currentUser = currentUser;
    roomId: CHATKIT_ROOM_ID,
    hooks: {
      onNewMessage: this.onReceive.bind(this)

currentUser never gets consoled and always returns a 403 with the message in the title. From the docs, I think I've implemented everything correctly, I have even span up a heroku app with, the same issue still occurs. I have spent a couple of days trying to figure this out and would appreciate if I could get some guidance if I'm doing anything wrong!

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