dongpao1873 2018-06-06 08:15
浏览 63

显示所有但是避免重复SQL Server中的DB列记录[Moodle] [PHP]

I would like to retrieve and display values in the Database (SQL server). The only problem is that multiple records have the same value in the column. I would basically like cycle through the column and to display a list of all unique values and omit identicals.

$result = $DB->get_records_sql('SELECT column_name FROM table_name WHERE **cycle through column and list all values without duplicates**')

Any help is much appreciated!

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  • dpwh11290 2018-06-06 08:16

    This should do it from the SQL side

    SELECT DISTINCT(column_name) FROM table_name

    You could pull all the rows back to the front end and dedupe there, but DISTINCT would probably be better performance.

    SELECT column_name FROM table_name GROUP BY column_name

    is another option. Check your execution plan to see if it's any different in how SQL does it for performance.

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