I am using simple_html_dom script to gather certain information from external pages.
The script I have been using worked pretty well until today. I tried to look for where the error came from and it seems the file_get_html function is not working anymore, only on certain URLs.
The basic code I am using is:
<?php include_once('../simple_html_dom.php');
echo file_get_html('http://www.hltv.org/match/2295100-')->plaintext; ?>
When executing this, I have a blank page on my OVH shared server. It seems the page returns a 503 error, even if the page actually exists. I am able to extract the content of the page from other servers (like AWS) however. What troubles me is that it's been working for 4 months now without any issue.
I made sure the MAX_FILE_SIZE of the simple_html_dom was increased but could not find any solution to this.
Any idea to solve the issue?