dongweicha6077 2015-07-23 11:48
浏览 82

PHP XMLReader跳过大型XML文件

I try to proceed a large xml file (about 1.5 GB) with about 3 million items with PHP XMLReader. But the script stops randomly between 2,3 and 2,6 million items without an error.

There is no time or memory limit.

ini_set('max_execution_time', 0);
ini_set('memory_limit', -1);

This is the code:

$Reader = new XMLReader();
$Reader->open('file.xml', NULL, LIBXML_PARSEHUGE);

$count = 0;

while ($Reader->read()) {
    if ($Reader->nodeType == XMLReader::ELEMENT && $Reader->name == 'file') {
        $outerXml = $Reader->readOuterXml();
        $count ++;
        echo $count . "

echo 'end';

XMLReader seems to have some kind of restriction. I already tried the LIBXML_PARSEHUGE option but with no success.

Anyone has an idea?


UPDATE: It seems to be a problem with http curl via SSH, even with --max-time option set. It works with when running directly through the PHP parser.

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