Here I import the files.class.php class which contains the getAllFiles() function:
Here I am calling the function :
$files = new Files($db);
$jsonEncoding = json_encode($files->getAllFiles());
$jsonFile = fopen("jsonEncoded.json", "w") or die ("Unable to open file!");
fwrite($jsonFile, $jsonEncoding);
$contentOfFile = file_get_contents('./jsonEncoded.json');
echo $contentOfFile;
This is the getAllFiles() function :
public function getAllFiles() {
if (!($stmt = $this->connection->prepare("SELECT ID, Latitude, Longitude, Name, Radius FROM Files"))) {
$this->lastError = 'Failed to prepare query: ('.$this->connection->errno.') '.$this->connection->error;
return false;
} else {
// Execute the query and store the result set
// Bind the results to variables
$stmt->bind_result($id, $latitude, $longitude, $name, $radius);
$results = array();
// Keep fetching rows
while ($stmt->fetch()) {
// Add to array
$results[] = array(
'ID' => $id,
'Latitude' => $latitude,
'Longitude' => $longitude,
'Name' => $name,
'Radius' => $radius,
// Return the results array
return $results;
I am getting the following error :
Fatal error: Call to undefined method Files::getAllFiles() in /var/www/localhost/htdocs/mbax4cl3/groupproject/map.php on line 83
Thank you !