I have two tables ('posts' and 'votes') which allows users to vote thumbs-up (where rating = 1 in 'votes') or thumbs-down (where rating = 0 in 'votes') on posts.
I'm joining the two tables in a query and am trying to filter the results so that a row only shows if it has 2+ positive (rating = 1) ratings AND 2+ negative (rating = 0) ratings from the 'votes' table ('post_id' and 'rating' columns).
This is what I got, but it doesn't work as intended, since it brings back results which also have only 1 positive and 1 negative vote -- although you can't see this due to the conglomeration of votes for each post -- which isn't what I want (the 'HAVING' line isn't working as intended):
FROM posts p
JOIN votes v ON p.id = v.post_id
WHERE rating = 1 OR rating = 0
HAVING COUNT(rating = 1) > 1 AND COUNT(rating = 0) > 1
| id | post_id | rating | COUNT(*) |
| 4 | 4 | 0 | 2 |
| 7 | 7 | 0 | 2 |
| 9 | 9 | 0 | 2 |
| 83 | 83 | 1 | 2 |