doujiyan0971 2015-12-13 21:19
浏览 342


I want to search data using ajax method with multiple fields search option (e.g. name, college, department, year, nationality e.t.c ). I have insert name for searching and rest of fields are empty than it went to foreach loop but this if (isset($_GET[$field]) && !empty($_GET['$field'])) condition not successful and went to else loop

  $fields = array(
  'name' => TRUE,
  'gender' => TRUE,
  'colf' => TRUE,
  'deptf' => TRUE,
  'natf' => TRUE,
  'fstatusf' => TRUE,
  'fyearf' => TRUE
 foreach ($fields as $field => $like) {
  if (isset($_GET[$field]) && !empty($_GET['$field'])) {
    $value = $_GET[$field];
    $search[] = $field . ( $like ? ('LIKE "%' . $value . '%"') : ('="' . $value . '"') );
  if ($search) {
  $sql = 'SELECT * FROM fmaf WHERE ' . implode(' or ' . $search);

$sql="SELECT * FROM fmaf";

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  • dongyuqi3808 2015-12-15 11:27

    At last i have found the solution and thanks to cFreed and other who help me. My main concern is that if user want to search with one field only or more than 1 field in that case below answer is helpful for me and may be also for someone:

    if (empty($_GET['name']) && empty($_GET['gender']) && empty($_GET['colf']) && empty($_GET['deptf']) && empty($_GET['natf']) && empty($_GET['fstatusf']) && empty($_GET['fyearf']))
        $sql="select * from fmaf ";
     $wheres = array();
    $sql = "select * from fmaf where ";
    if (isset($_GET['name']) and !empty($_GET['name']))
        $wheres[] = "name like '%{$_GET['name']}%' ";
    if (isset($_GET['gender']) and !empty($_GET['gender']))
        $wheres[] = "gender = '{$_GET['gender']}'";
    if (isset($_GET['colf']) and !empty($_GET['colf']))
        $wheres[] = "college = '{$_GET['colf']}' ";
    if (isset($_GET['deptf']) and !empty($_GET['deptf']))
        $wheres[] = "department = '{$_GET['deptf']}' ";
    if (isset($_GET['natf']) and !empty($_GET['natf']))
        $wheres[] = "nationality = '{$_GET['natf']}' ";
    if (isset($_GET['fstatusf']) and !empty($_GET['fstatusf']))
        $wheres[] = "finalstatus = '{$_GET['fstatusf']}' ";
    if (isset($_GET['fyearf']) and !empty($_GET['fyearf']))
        $wheres[] = "fyear = '{$_GET['fyearf']}' ";
    foreach ( $wheres as $where ) 
    $sql .= $where . ' AND ';   //  you may want to make this an OR
     $sql=rtrim($sql, "AND "); 
    本回答被题主选为最佳回答 , 对您是否有帮助呢?



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