dttwois6098 2015-08-06 16:42
浏览 34


I am working on a form that needs to be able to update two different tables. I am using the Order controller and need to update the order table. The other table I need to update is CampaignCustomers, where I would like to update the campaignID.

The two Models are associated, and here is the result when I debug $order:

    'Order' => array(
        'OrderID' => (int) 1574996,
        'OrderType' => '3',
        'UPSTrackingNumber' => null,
        'CreatedDate' => 'Mar 30 2019 12:42:00:000PM',
        'ShippedOnDate' => null,
        'Notes' => null,
        'OrderedBy' => 'TIM',
        'UserID' => (int) 431,
        'CampaignCustomerID' => (float) 78156512,
        'TaxPercentage' => (int) 0,
        'DiscountID' => null,
        'DiscountPercentage' => (int) 8,
        'TotalPrice' => (float) 7.75,
        'OrderStatusID' => (int) 13,
        'LabelCategory' => null,
        'LabelPrinted' => (int) 0,
        'InvoicePrinted' => (int) 0,
        'ShippingMethodID' => (int) 9,
        'SaturdayDelivery' => (int) 0,
        'ShippingAddress' => 'ert',
        'ShippingPrice' => (float) 7.75,
        'ConfirmationEmail' => null,
        'PaymentMethod' => 'Bill In Full',
        'PurchaseOrderNumber' => ' dfqsdfsdafe3r23rwererewrw',
        'CreditCardHolderName' => null,
        'CreditCardNumber' => null,
        'CreditCardExpirationDate' => null,
        'CreditCardStreet' => null,
        'CreditCardZipCode' => null,
        'CreditCardCVV' => null,
        'TransactionID' => null

    'CampaignCustomer' => array(
        'CampaignCustomerID' => (float) 78156512,
        'CampaignID' => (int) 422,
        'CustomerID' => (int) 3633

This is my view:

echo $this->Html->div("box");
    echo $this->Html->tag("h3","Edit Order ".$order['Order']['OrderID']);
        echo "<p><b>Company: </b>" . $order["Company"]["CompanyName"] . "</p>";
        echo "<p><b>Order ID: </b>" . $order["Order"]["OrderID"] . "</p>";
    echo $this->Form->create(("Order"));
            echo $this->Form->input("PurchaseOrderNumber");
            echo $this->Form->input("CampaignID",array("options"=>$campaigns,"label"=>"Campaign","selected"=>$order["Campaign"]["CampaignID"]));
            echo $this->Form->input("CreatedDate");
            echo $this->Form->input("OrderType",array("options"=>$orderType,"selected"=>$order["Order"]["OrderType"]));
            echo $this->Form->input("OrderedBy");
            echo $this->Form->input("ShippingMethodID",array("options"=>$shipping_method_ids,"selected"=>$order["Order"]["ShippingMethodID"],"label"=>"Shipping Method"));
            echo $this->Form->input("SaturdayDelivery");
            echo $this->Form->input("UserID",array("options"=>$users,"selected"=>$order["Order"]["UserID"],"label"=>"Sales Agent"));
            echo $this->Form->input("DiscountPercentage");
            echo $this->Form->input("ShippingAddress");
    echo $this->Form->end("Update Order");
echo "</div>";

The only thing that won't update is the CampaignID field, because it is a different table.

Does anyone know how to solve this problem?


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  • douzuizhuo0587 2015-08-06 23:48

    You've not passed the CampaignCustomer data in your form, so when the post request is made, there's nothing for it to update in terms of CampaignCustomer

    You need to include this information in your form in either hidden fields or visible ones to ensure it gets updated.

     echo $this->Form->create();
            echo $this->Form->input("Order.PurchaseOrderNumber");
            echo $this->Form->input("Order.CampaignID",array("options"=>$campaigns,"label"=>"Campaign","selected"=>$order["Campaign"]["CampaignID"]));
            echo $this->Form->input("Order.CreatedDate");
            echo $this->Form->input("Order.rderType",array("options"=>$orderType,"selected"=>$order["Order"]["OrderType"]));
            echo $this->Form->input("Order.OrderedBy");
            echo $this->Form->input("Order.ShippingMethodID",array("options"=>$shipping_method_ids,"selected"=>$order["Order"]["ShippingMethodID"],"label"=>"Shipping Method"));
            echo $this->Form->input("Order.SaturdayDelivery");
            echo $this->Form->input("Order.UserID",array("options"=>$users,"selected"=>$order["Order"]["UserID"],"label"=>"Sales Agent"));
            echo $this->Form->input("Order.DiscountPercentage");
            echo $this->Form->input("Order.ShippingAddress");
            echo $this->Form->input("CampaignCustomer.CampaignCustomerID");
            echo $this->Form->input("CampaignCustomer.CampaignID");
            echo $this->Form->input("CampaignCustomer.CustomerID");
     echo $this->Form->end("Update Order");



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