doudi5291 2015-05-12 06:52
浏览 124

如何用php pdo进行全文搜索?

So I'm having trouble with my current search for a website. So my current search will achieve this; user inputs "crik" and it will return "cricket" for a search. However if a user inputs "crickets" it wont return "cricket" for a search. How do I get this to work? my current php code is;

      $searchQ = $_GET['search'];  
      $ssss = $pdo->prepare('SELECT * FROM listing WHERE name LIKE :search');                                    
      $ssss->bindValue(':search', "%" . $searchQ . "%");        

I've also tried this but it didnt return anything;

$ssss = $pdo->prepare('SELECT  * FROM listing WHERE MATCH(name) AGAINST (:search IN BOOLEAN MODE) ');
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  • dtx9931 2015-05-12 07:24

    You can change the search string

    $searchQ = $_GET['search'];
    $searchArr = str_split($searchQ );
    $searchQ_new = "";
    foreach($searchArr as $alpha)
            $searchQ_new .= $alpha . "%";

    Now you can use your code to search with $searchQ_new

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