douhuan1937 2015-01-21 12:44 采纳率: 0%
浏览 113


  1. In Turkish, we call 'şarkı' for 'song'.
  2. urlencode('şarkı') == '%C5%9Fark%C4%B1'
  3. most of users in our country will search for 'şarkı' in image search (not for sarki or song)

if I name my image '%C5%9Fark%C4%B1.png' in ftp, Can I be sure that all engines (most popular ones are google, yandex here) will exactly understand that visitor searched for 'şarkı' which is matching with '%C5%9Fark%C4%B1.png' at some image search result page?

note: I don't know if it's related however I utilize utf-8 in HTML, php connection language setting and also MySQL tables.


best regards

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  • dongyong5912 2015-01-21 13:12

    No, if you name your image '%C5%9Fark%C4%B1.png', it will be named so, and you would have to link to it using the name:

    <img src="images/%25C5%259Fark%25C4%25B1.png" />

    As you see, % changed to %25.

    Name it as it is in ftp, then either urlencode() or output it in utf-8, browsers will urlencode themselves.

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