douyou2368 2018-06-02 08:11
浏览 28

在PHP 7中对关联数组进行排序[重复]

This question already has an answer here:

Given the following example:

$user1 = array('username' => 'test1', 'score' => 2000, 'someotherdata' => 1.0);
$user2 = array('username' => 'test2', 'score' => 4325, 'someotherdata' => 2.0);
$user3 = array('username' => 'test3', 'score' => 624534, 'someotherdata' => 3.0);
$user4 = array('username' => 'test4', 'score' => 564, 'someotherdata' => 1.4);
$user5 = array('username' => 'test5', 'score' => 34256, 'someotherdata' => 1.5);
$user6 = array('username' => 'test6', 'score' => 5476, 'someotherdata' => 1.8);

$arr = array($user1, $user2, $user3, $user4, $user5, $user6);

How would I be able to sort $arr by the field score nicely in PHP 7? I got a working bubblesort I made my own, but is there a way to use builtin PHP 7 features to do it nicely, as bubblesort is pretty expensive (I could do a Quicksort on my own, but before I do that I wanted to know if there is a better way).

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  • doutuo1908 2018-06-02 08:16

    You can use usort

    $user1 = array('username' => 'test1', 'score' => 2000, 'someotherdata' => 1.0);
    $user2 = array('username' => 'test2', 'score' => 4325, 'someotherdata' => 2.0);
    $user3 = array('username' => 'test3', 'score' => 624534, 'someotherdata' => 3.0);
    $user4 = array('username' => 'test4', 'score' => 564, 'someotherdata' => 1.4);
    $user5 = array('username' => 'test5', 'score' => 34256, 'someotherdata' => 1.5);
    $user6 = array('username' => 'test6', 'score' => 5476, 'someotherdata' => 1.8);
    $arr = array($user1, $user2, $user3, $user4, $user5, $user6);
    usort($arr, function($a, $b){
        return $a['score'] - $b['score'];
    echo "<pre>";
    print_r( $arr );
    echo "</pre>";

    This will result to:

        [0] => Array
                [username] => test4
                [score] => 564
                [someotherdata] => 1.4
        [1] => Array
                [username] => test1
                [score] => 2000
                [someotherdata] => 1
        [2] => Array
                [username] => test2
                [score] => 4325
                [someotherdata] => 2
        [3] => Array
                [username] => test6
                [score] => 5476
                [someotherdata] => 1.8
        [4] => Array
                [username] => test5
                [score] => 34256
                [someotherdata] => 1.5
        [5] => Array
                [username] => test3
                [score] => 624534
                [someotherdata] => 3

    Doc: usort()

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