I want to write a dynamic update query in Laravel which accepts arguments and can be used in whole project.
Following is my Controller function:
public function editquery(Request $request)
$city_id = $request->input('city_id');
$city_name = $request->input('city_name');
$tbl = 'city';
$data = ['city_name'=>$city_name];
$wher = ('city_id',1);
return redirect()->action('Admin_controller@cities_page')->with('status','Record Updated Successfully!');;
Below is my Model function:
public static function editrecord($data,$wher,$tbl)
return DB::table($tbl)->where($wher)->update($data);
The only problem here is that I cannot store the value ('city_id',1) in the $wher variable. This is the screenshot of the error: link to the image file
Is there any other way to do this. Please Help.