drti52047 2017-03-15 22:23
浏览 32

如何用PHP过滤字符串? [重复]

This question already has an answer here:

I have a plugin exporting a bunch of strings from a database for me. The data returned is in a format like this


a:3:{i:0;s:14:"Access to care";i:1;s:15:"Confidentiality";i:2;s:20:"Consent to treatment";}

I can apply a php function to filter the data, how would I get it to return like this, using a function.

Skeletal, Cardio, Muscular

Access to care, Confidentiality, Consent to treatment
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  • dream8877 2017-03-15 22:26

    Those strings are serialized variables. Arrays specifically. use unserialize() to get the array and then join() to comma separate it the way you want.

    $unserialized_array = unserialize($string);
    $comma_separated = join(', ', $unserialized_array);
    echo $comma_separated;

    edit: I think this is the simplest solution, but Obsidian Age's answer below provides a regex that will also do what you want (and you did ask for a regex);

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