duanemei2194 2011-11-25 21:03
浏览 28

按子节点PHP SimpleXML排序xml div

so I have a list of <div>'s in an xml file. I'm parsing the file using php's simpleXML

I can generate an array of all the divs with the following:

$divArray = $xmldoc->text->body->children();

But now I would like to order the $divArray by different childNodes (author, title, date) within the div.

The div looks like this.


So how can I take $divArray and sort it by <author> or <title> or <date>?

Thanks for your help. jw

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  • dongshuogai2343 2011-11-25 21:52

    The basic procedure is

    1. cast a SimpleXMLElement into an array
    2. write a comparison function that accepts two SimpleXMLElement arguments
    3. sort the array with the comparison function using usort()

    I can only guess at your original XML structure, but I think it looks something like this:

    $xml = <<<EOT
    $xmldoc = new SimpleXMLElement($xml);

    Step 1: Cast to array. Note that your $divArray is not actually an array!

    $divSXE = $xmldoc->text->body->children(); // is a SimpleXMLElement, not an array!
    // print_r($divSXE);
    $divArray = array();
    foreach($divSXE->div as $d) {
        $divArray[] = $d;
    // print_r($divArray);

    Step 2: write a comparison function. Since the array is a list of SimpleXMLElements, the comparison function must accept SimpleXMLElement arguments. SimpleXMLElements need explicit casting to get string or integer values.

    function author_cmp($a, $b) {
        $va = (string) $a->bibl->author;
        $vb = (string) $b->bibl->author;
        if ($va===$vb) {
            return 0;
        return ($va<$vb) ? -1 : 1;

    Step 3: Sort the array with usort()

    usort($divArray, 'author_cmp');
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