I am having really a very big query formation like below. i want to split this and need to re-use for many other ajax call's
$buildquery->whereHas('room', function($query) use ($request) {
// If amenities is there add it to query
$amenities = $request->amenities;
$count = count($amenities);
$query->withCount(['amenities' => function($query) use ($amenities, $count){
$query->whereIn('amenities_id', $amenities);
->having('amenities_count', $count);
/* filter based on guest */
$memberCount = $request->guestsCount + $request->childCount;
$query->Where('capacity', '>=', $memberCount);
$query->Where('capacity', '>=', 1);
$buildquery->with(['room' => function ($query) use ($request) {
// If amenities is there add it to query
$amenities = $request->amenities;
$count = count($amenities);
$query->withCount(['amenities' => function($query) use ($amenities, $count){
$query->whereIn('amenities_id', $amenities);
->having('amenities_count', $count);
/* filter based on guest */
$memberCount = $request->guestsCount + $request->childCount;
$query->Where('capacity', '>=', $memberCount);
$query->Where('capacity', '>=', 1);
$query->Where('astatus', 1)->Where('status', 0);
/* client must be active */
$buildquery->whereHas('client', function($query) {
$query->Where('status', 1);
/* search based on rating */
if ($request->filled('rating')) {
if($request->rating > 0){
$rating = $request->rating;
$buildquery->where('star', $rating);
/* search based on hotel */
if ($request->filled('location_id')) {
$buildquery->Where('city', $request->location_id);
$buildquery->Where('astatus', 1)->where('status', 0); //actually its hotel
$hotels = $buildquery->simplePaginate(20);
$hotels = $this->addRates($hotels, $request->checkin_date, $request->checkout_date);
$hotels = $this->addAvailableCount($hotels, $request->checkin_date, $request->checkout_date);
$hotels = $hotels->transform(function (Hotel $hotel){
$hotel->setRelation('room', $hotel->room->sortBy('price')->flatten());
return $hotel;
return view('roomlist.loadmore', compact('hotels'));
please see this line @include('roomlist.area');
in that roomlist/area.blade.php
file i am having the following code
if($request->type == "Area"){
//get the area first
$hotel = Hotel::select('area')->where('city', $request->location_id)->first();
if($hotel->area != null){
$buildquery->where('area', $hotel->area);
Is there any way that i can include this code from a blade or in any other manner.
Note: i need to re-use many things like this.