I am looping though one initial array, and specifying values i want. Then i am storing the values i need in an array. Then i am combining those values into a new array, with keys and values. The new array is only storing the last entry of all the data that has been passed to it.
$exampleArray = array();
for ($i = 0; $i < 100; $i++){
$exampleArray[] = array(
$A1 = $Anotherarray[$i][25],
$A2 = $Anotherarray[$i][26],
$A3 = $Anotherarray[$i][24],
$A4 = $Anotherarray[$i][27],
$A5 = $Anotherarray[$i][28]
$secondExample = array();
foreach( $A1 as $i => $val )
$secondExample[] = array(
"Field1" => $val,
"Field2" => ucfirst($A2[$i]),
"Field3" => ucfirst($A3[$i]),
"Field4" => ucfirst($A4[$i]),
"Field5" => ucfirst($A5[$i])