UPDATED (SOLVED): '2000-00-00' is not a valid date. You must specify a value for the month and day - i.e. '2000-01-01'
I'm newbie with PostgreSQL. I wonder how to convert a MySQL date (YYYY-MM-DD) to PostgreSQL. What type of value should i use in PostgreSQL to set date like YYYY-MM-DD?
If it is impossible then how can i convert YYYY-MM-DD to a proper value in PHP (what is the proper type\value for PostgreSQL)?
Tnx a lot.
Query example (issue in 2000-00-00)
INSERT INTO "user" ("user_uni", "user_id", "name", "city", "country", "sex", "birthday", "referal_id", "social_network", "offer_balance", "customer_balance", "registration_time", "last_visit_time", "last_ip", "banned", "fit_actions", "token", "mail", "neverban", "last_api_request", "notify", "vip", "filters_free", "friends", "rate", "discount", "invite_day", "have_invites", "like_public_day", "have_like_public", "last_login", "suspected", "group_counter", "password") VALUES ('1', '19922', 'Иван Иванов', '243', '1', '1', '1988-01-07', '0', '1', '201.770', '500.000', '1352880961', '13533290', '', '0', '0', '', '', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '100.000', '0', '2000-00-00', '0', '2000-00-00', '0', '13533290', '0', '0', '')