dsfdgdsfd23212 2014-06-14 22:30
浏览 74


I have an array with user names:

$a = array('user1','user2');

I want to use them to output the users' information in a list, but I need it sorted by their name, which I pull from the database within the foreach loop that lists them. How do I sort it?

foreach($a as $b) {
    $user = $users->getUser($b); // gets user's details from the database
    $name = $user['name']; // I want the list to be sorted by this variable
    echo $name.'<br />';

The names aren't unique, for example user1 and user1 might both be named John Smith. Only the usernames are unique.

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  • douzen3516 2014-06-14 22:44

    This should work. Now it sorts by the name key and loops through the users in a second loop.

    function sortByName($a, $b) {
        if($a['name'] !== $b['name'])
            return ($a['name'] > $b['name']) 1 : -1;
    $a = array('user1','user2');
    $userList = array();
    foreach($a as $b) {
        $userList[] = $users->getUser($b);
    usort($userList, 'sortByName');
    foreach($userList as $person) {
        echo $person['name'];
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