I am working on a project which requires me to do some querying which I m having a bit of trouble since my sql is a little rusty. There are 3 tables involved in the query :
I need to run a valid sql statement logically similar to this with the correct syntax :
SELECT `tel_no`
FROM `donors` as `dnr`
LEFT JOIN `donations` as `dn`
ON `dnr`.id = `dn`.donor_id
LEFT JOIN `donation_method` as `dm`
ON `dn`.donation_method_id = `dm`.id
WHERE `dn`.created`+`dm`.recovery_time >= NOW() // here is the problem
Im not entirely sure on how to do it! Any help? Also if this can be done using cake's method (find,etc), in conjunction with the 'conditions' array, that would be great! Thanks
[EDIT] Recovery time is of INT type, whilst created is of type datetime