dongyunqin7307 2014-04-03 09:50
浏览 69


I am trying to get PHPUnit working on my cakePHP application. I have downloaded and setup all the necessary files

In my php.ini file , I put

include_path = ".;c:\wamp\bin\php\php5.4.12\pear\PHPUnit"

But I do not think this is correct.

When running cakePHP's app/test.php, I get 2 warnings to include PHPUnit\Autoload.php

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  • dongxiaolin2801 2014-04-03 10:15

    Ok, so for whatever reason, no one here decided to hep me out on this one.. Which is a little bit frustrating.. But no matter! I'm going to provide the solution for others whom like me, are new to PHP and PHPUnit, and want to get into unit testing

    Steps I followed :

    1. Install PEAR, download from the PEAR website
    2. If you find yourself having trouble, follow this guy's tutorial
    3. Download PHPUnit
    4. Put PHPUnit in local file.. (www or equivalent)
    5. Install PHPUnit with PEAR (If integration with cake, make sure you follow these steps)
    6. If you already installe v.4, you can downgrade using the command

      pear uninstall phpunit/PHPUnit

    and install PHPUnit-3.7.32

    Finally visit php.ini and make sure that path included points to the pear directory In my case include_path = ".;c:/wamp/bin/php/php5.4.12/pear"

    Cheers and happy coding

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