I have successfully created the VPC via AWS PHP SDK. However, I can't see anyways to make the VPC as default VPC for given region.
When I use below code, all the VPC are defualt to false.
Code to create VPC
$result = $client->createVpc(array(
'DryRun' => true || false,
// CidrBlock is required
'CidrBlock' => 'string',
'InstanceTenancy' => 'string',
Hope this may allow me to change but No
$result = $client->modifyVpcAttribute(array(
// VpcId is required
'VpcId' => 'string',
'EnableDnsSupport' => array(
'Value' => true || false,
'EnableDnsHostnames' => array(
'Value' => true || false,
Any idea or thoughts how to set Vpc to default? I have check AWS-CLI as well it doesn't have the option to do so.