I currently have this code and two problems:
I get the users timezone with Javascript and post it to the timezone.php via ajax, which sets a cookie with the users time. If the cookie is not set, say on first visit, the page would have to be refreshed in order to show the cookie value. I'm doing this with javascript at the moment, but there has to be another way. Also, since the page refreshes if there is no cookie, users with cookies disabled would get a refresh loop.
Any suggestions on how to solve these problems?
Thank you, Markus
<!DOCTYPE html>
.night {
background: #000;
color: #fff;
<script src="//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1/jquery.min.js"></script>
if(isset($_COOKIE["time"])) {
$time = $_COOKIE["time"];
if($time < 5.5 || $time > 19) {
$night = true;
} else {
var timezone = new Date().getTimezoneOffset()/60;
$(document).ready(function() {
$.post('timezone.php',{timezone: timezone}, function(data){location.reload(true)});
<body class="<?php echo $night ? "night" : "day"; ?>">
<?php if($night) {
echo "It's nighttime! ($time)";
} else {
echo "It's daytime! ($time)";
} ?>
$timezone = $_POST["timezone"];
if(isset($timezone)) {
date_default_timezone_set('Etc/GMT'.($timezone <= 0 ? '' : '+').$timezone);
$time = date("G") + (date("i")/60);
setcookie("time", $time);