Suppose i have a number let's say 5. Now lets assume that there are 5 members. Now each member started to count 1 to 2. Those member who get 2nd number leaves and then again count start from the next member. so at last in this scenario the 3rd member stays at last.
So i tried to implement like this. First of assign members as array $v.
for($i=1 ; $i<=5 ; $i++)
$v[] = $i;
$v1 = array_flip($v);
for($i=0 ; $i<=5 ; $i += 2 )
echo "<pre>";
[1] => 0
[3] => 2
[5] => 4
Now i want to count the numbers from key 5(5th member) to again 1(1st member) and so on.
so at last key 3(3rd member) left.
I want to print the last member that left.
How can i achieve this?
I you can't understand then look at this Survival Strategy