I have the following xml document:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<header level="2">My Header</header>
<li>Bulleted style text
<paragraph>1.Sub Bulleted style text</paragraph>
<li>Bulleted style text <strong>bold</strong>
<paragraph>2.Sub Bulleted <strong>bold</strong></paragraph>
I need to remove the numbers preceeding the Sub-bulleted text. 1. and 2. in the given example
This is the code I have so far:
class MyDocumentImporter
const AWKWARD_BULLET_REGEX = '/(^[\s]?[\d]+[\.]{1})/i';
protected $xml_string = '<some_tag><header level="2">My Header</header><ul><li>Bulleted style text<ul><li><paragraph>1.Sub Bulleted style text</paragraph></li></ul></li></ul><ul><li>Bulleted style text <strong>bold</strong><ul><li><paragraph>2.Sub Bulleted <strong>bold</strong></paragraph></li></ul></li></ul></some_tag>';
protected $dom;
public function processListsText( $loop = null ){
$this->dom = new DomDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8');
//get all the li tags
$li_set = $this->dom->getElementsByTagName('li');
$li_set = $loop;
foreach($li_set as $li){
//check for child nodes
if(! $li->hasChildNodes() ){
foreach($li->childNodes as $child){
if( $child->hasChildNodes() ){
//this li has children, maybe a <strong> tag
$this->processListsText( $child->childNodes );
if( ! ( $child instanceof DOMElement ) ){
if( ( $child->localName != 'paragraph') || ( $child instanceof DOMText )){
if( preg_match(self::AWKWARD_BULLET_REGEX, $child->textContent) == 0 ){
$clean_content = preg_replace(self::AWKWARD_BULLET_REGEX, '', $child->textContent);
//set node to empty
$child->nodeValue = '';
//add updated content to node
//$xml_output = $child->parentNode->ownerDocument->saveXML($child);
$importer = new MyDocumentImporter();
The issue I can see is that $child->textContent
returns the plain text content of the node, and strips the additional child tags. So:
<paragraph>2.Sub Bulleted <strong>bold</strong></paragraph>
<paragraph>Sub Bulleted bold</paragraph>
The <strong>
tag is no more.
I'm a little stumped... Can anyone see a way to strip the unwanted characters, and retain the "inner child" <strong>
The tag may not always be <strong>
, it could also be a hyperlink <a href="#">
, or <emphasize>