普通网友 2015-02-18 15:18
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PHP - 已上载检查文件,但其余信息为空

I have a form which asks for an image uploaded, title, description etc.

An error appears if no image is selected like this:

if ($_FILES["target_file"]==''){

echo 'Please upload a suitable photograph!<br>';


But if i select an image but don't fill in the rest of the form, it will upload it to my database.

I've tried something like this:

if (!empty($_FILES['target_file']) && (empty ($_POST['photo-title'])) && (empty ($_POST['photo-name'])) && (empty ($_POST['uploaded'])) && (empty ($_POST['genreID'])) && (empty ($_POST['description'])))
   echo 'Please select a photograph!<br>';

But this doesn't work.

Any one any ideas on how i can make it display an error after selecting an image but not filling the rest of the form?

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  • duanqian6982 2015-02-18 15:23

    Try this:

    if(!isset($_FILES['target_file']) || !is_uploaded_file($_FILES['target_file']['tmp_name'])){
        echo 'Please upload an image!<br>';
    } else if(empty($_POST['photo-title']) || empty($_POST['photo-name']) || empty($_POST['uploaded']) || empty($_POST['genreID']) || empty($_POST['description'])){
        echo 'Please fill in all the input fields!<br>';
    } else {
        //upload everything

    In your code, you used &&, which means that the error would only echo if all the fields were empty. Also, the exclamation mark in front of empty($_FILES['target_file']) means that you will get an error if there is a file, and no error when there isn't.

    Also, it's not necessary to enclose every empty(/*post field*/) part in brackets

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