douliaotong4944 2014-10-23 09:07
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为什么我不能用PHP 5.2处理CakePHP 2.x中的致命错误?

I'm having a strange problem in CakePHP where my AppExceptionRenderer is not being triggered for fatal and parse errors (E_ERROR and E_PARSE) when using PHP 5.2. The exact same code on my development machine (PHP 5.5) works fine.

Any ideas why?

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  • dongqi9125 2014-10-23 09:07

    I ended up tracking it down to what appears to be a bug in PHP 5.2 where a call to new SplFileInfo() strangely resets the fatal error information that normally exists inside error_get_last().

    My fix was to tweak Cake's default App::shutdown() function by moving the _checkFatalError() call up above the Cache::write() calls.

    So the result was this...

    public static function shutdown() {
        // For some weird reason on PHP 5.2 the SplFileInfo call made in Cache::write 
        // resets error_get_last() which means we can't trap fatal/parse errors.  
        // Small workaround is to check for errors *before* doing the caching thing
        if (self::$_cacheChange) {
            Cache::write('file_map', array_filter(self::$_map), '_cake_core_');
        if (self::$_objectCacheChange) {
            Cache::write('object_map', self::$_objects, '_cake_core_');
        // self::_checkFatalError();

    Perhaps it may help someone else out there someday. :-)

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