dongmanni6916 2012-09-20 13:55
浏览 192

当class = class =“active”时,将class =“current”添加到父菜单

I apparently have no idea of how to add class="current" to the <li> tag of the parent menu when it's <li> tag has a class="active". I tried using jQuery to implement this, but It does not work since the page is reloaded when clicking on it. So I simply added a field called name into the database to use as a parameter. Bellowing is my PHP code:

echo '<ul>';
    $main_menu = model::getMainMenu();
       foreach($main_menus as $menu){
            echo '<li class="dropdown">
            <a href=?page='.$menu['name'].'&m=1 class='.(($_GET['page'] == $menu['name'])?'current':'').'>'.$menu['title'].'</a>';
            $sub_menus = model::getSubMenu($menu['id']);
            if( $sub_menus != '' ){
              echo '<ul>';
              foreach($sub_menus as $sub){
                echo '<li><a href=?page='.$sub['name'].' class='.(($_GET['page']==$sub['name'])?'current':'').'>'.ucwords( $sub['title'] ).'</a></li>';
             echo '</ul>';
            echo '</li>';

I can only detect which sub page or page is currently active by comparing the $_GET['page'] and the $sub['name'] (my url structure is simply like this index.php?page=home). However, I have no idea how to detect the parent menu when its child is currently selected.

I uploaded the page here

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  • duanfang5849 2012-09-20 14:07

    See code below. Not sure if it is completely correct, but idea should be clear from it. Basically - you can collect all LIs html into a variable and set a flag to tru if one of LIs is active. And than echo everything taking into account flag variable state.

    echo '<ul>';
        $main_menu = model::getMainMenu();
           foreach($main_menus as $menu) {                
                $sub_menus = model::getSubMenu($menu['id']);
                $lis = "";
                $hasCurrent = false;
                if($sub_menus != '') {
                    foreach($sub_menus as $sub) {
                        $lis .= '<li><a href=?page='.$sub['name'].' class='.(($_GET['page']==$sub['name'])?'current':'').'>'.ucwords( $sub['title'] ).'</a></li>';
                            if($_GET['page']==$sub['name']) {
                                $hasCurrent = true;
                    echo '<li class="dropdown ' . $hasCurrent ? 'active' : '' . '">
                          <a href=?page='.$menu['name'].'&m=1 class='.(($_GET['page'] == $menu['name'])?'current':'').'>'.$menu['title'].'</a>';
                    if($lis != '') {
                        echo '<ul>';
                        echo $lis;
                        echo '</ul>';
                echo '</li>';
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