dsnm64969 2018-06-08 20:44
浏览 71


I'm hosting a mostly static website on the Google App Engine and have some trouble with setting up my app.yaml it seems. It's either that or my filepath is off. I have seen other posts where mixing static and dynamic content seems to give some trouble so I have decided to set up my files as such:

Site (Root Folder)
    contact (Dynamic page)
    projects (Nothing in here yet but will group dynamic content here)
    www (Static files)

Trying to create link on my homepage which is


to my contact page which is


My filepath that should direct you from index.html to index.php is


and below is my app.yaml

runtime: php55
api_version: 1

    - url: /
      static_files: www/index.html
      upload: www/index.html
      mime_type: home
      secure: always

    - url: /(.*)
      static_files: www/\1
      upload: www/(.*)
      secure: always
      application_readable: true

    - url: contact/index.php
      script: /contact/index.php
      secure: always

Not sure what I'm doing wrong here. I've tried several different file paths but haven't been able to get the page to show up at all. When I click on the link that is supposed to take my to contacts page (index.php), I get a 404 error.

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  • du1843 2018-06-08 22:28

    Your wildcard catch-all handler is grabbing contact/index.php before it can get to its proper handler. Plus, you are missing the leading slash. mimetype: home is improper. Try this:

    runtime: php55
    api_version: 1
    - url: /contact/index.php
      script: /contact/index.php
      secure: always
    - url: /
      static_files: www/index.html
      upload: www/index.html
      secure: always
    - url: /(.*)
      static_files: www/\1
      upload: www/(.*)
      secure: always
      application_readable: true
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