douan4106 2018-04-27 23:18
浏览 50


Five months ago I created a pretty extensive Laravel Blog Management system. I am now at a point where I am looking for a job and would like for potential employers to be able to easily install and run my project to check it out. I want to include instructions in the on how to get it started but I've just realized that I can't figure out how to run it myself!

Here is the repository:

Here is what I've tried:

git clone
composer install
php artisan serve

This copied the repo into my xampp/htdocs directory and ran it. XAMPP is currently running with MySQL and Apache running.

The console responds by telling me it's being served on localhost:8000. Unfortunately I receive an error message on the actual html doc:

a busy cat

What is going wrong with my project and how can I make this as easy as possible for my potential employers / anyone who would like to download and check out my project?

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  • doue9730 2018-04-27 23:33

    It's really easy actually. Takes about ~5 minutes. Here are the steps:

    1. Clone the project
    2. Create a database
    3. Copy .env.example to .env and set the correct database credentials
    4. Run php artisan key:generate to generate the app key
    5. Run php artisan migrate to create the tables
    6. Run php artisan serve

    And you're done.

    enter image description here

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